

Smallanthus sonchifolius

A quick introduction

We only grow a few plants of Yacon so chances are low that you will receive these tubers in your CSA box. If the crop is succesful we'll grow more of it soon! Yacon looks like sweet potato, tastes like apple (well, kind of) and grows like a Jerusalem artichoke (with sunflower-like flowers). The tubers can be eaten raw or cooked and used in savory and sweet preparations alike.


Stores for quite a few days in the vegetable drawer of the fridge.



Suggestions for preparation

Peel the yacon tubers before preparing them and use them either cooked or raw. The taste is sweet and the texture crunchy, almost apple-like but less tart and we think they’re great to use in salads.


See this page for roasted yacon with feta and chili

See this blog for a recipe for yacon ‘apple’ sauce.

Click on this link for recipes for yacon slaw with cranberries and yacon sushi.

Roots & TubersLisa Fellmann