Parisian market carrots


Daucus carota


A quick introduction

Parisian market carrots are very small and cute versions of the regular carrots. Almost completely spherical, these little root vegetables are extra sweet in flavour and mature extra early in the season. We grow them in the greenhouse and seed them as early as the end of January. Usually we're able to harvest for the first or second CSA boxes. The leaves are edible and great to make pesto's or chimichurri.


Carrots store best if you remove the greens first. Store the leaves separate if you’re planning on using them. Both keep longest if stored in a closed container.


Spring to winter

Suggestions for preparation

Parisian market carrots are very small and peeling them is difficult! We suggest you scrub them clean with a vegetable brush and use them either raw or oven-roasted. If the carrot tops are still attached, do not throw them away! Instead, check out our recipes for pestos and salsas below!


See this link for a carrot top pesto or carrot top chimichurri! Here is a nice recipe for a green sauce by our own Stadsgroenteboer Milo that’s somewhere between a chimichurri and a salsa verde.

Roasted carrots with harissa and pomegranate.

Glazed carrots with butter and thyme by Jamie Oliver.

Roots & TubersLisa Fellmann