Pusztagold peppers


Capsicum annuum

Similar veggies:

Peppers, chili peppers

pustzagold peppers.jpg

A quick introduction

A smaller size (relatively) pointy pepper of a pale green to yellow colour with a delicate sweet taste that is very suitable to eating raw.


Stores for a few days in the vegetable drawer of the fridge


Summer to mid-fall

Suggestions for preparation

Peppers can be eaten in many ways: grilled, raw, stir-fried... We suggest you only use thicker and heavier peppers for roasting -if you plan on peeling the skin off afterwards- or this might become a finicky business.


Try these filled peppers (first recipe in the list). Because our peppers are mostly pointy and can't 'stand' on their own in a baking tray you might need to halve them lengthwise. Also great with green pepper!

Salad with roasted eggplants and raw green or yellow peppers & cherry tomatoes.

Or make Güvec (turkish beef stew with green or red peppers). This recipe doesn't add sumac to the güvec but we suggest that you do!